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PARS Ltd is committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner such that pollution of the environment is prevented, the environment is enhanced wherever possible and that there are no adverse effects on human health. The facilities operated by the company will be to the highest standards so that they are efficient and visually unobtrusive. The company will continue to invest in the research, development and the implementation of new technologies to ensure that waste management is carried out with the minimum effect upon man and the environment, and that there are facilities, which are environmentally acceptable to deal effectively with society's more hazardous waste. The company will operate in a manner designed to minimise risk and ensure protection of its employees and the environment. Paramount to achieving this aim is a commitment to the training of all members of staff, whether they be management, treatment plant or asbestos operatives, vehicle drivers or office staff. Safe methods of working will be a continuing development and will be enshrined in company Health and Safety Policy which relate to all of its activities including actions to be taken in emergency situation. A cornerstone of this strategy will be the encouragement of open dialogue between operatives and management, particularly in relation to matters of safety. The Company will canvass to minimise waste production and to encourage the re-use and recycling of waste materials as source. Where this is not possible every effort will be made so that those wastes that lend themselves to recovery or re-use or as an alternative source of energy will be so treated. Every effort will be made by the company to assist the Government is achieving its environmental objectives and where possible to actively participate with interested parties and agencies so that environmental issues are better understood. Compliance with legal and professional requirements will be set as a minimum standard of achievement for all company operations to ensure environmental excellence. The company will use, wherever practicable, recycled products and material. Find out more on our FAQs page.

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