We own and operate over 500 wells in an area spanning 8,000+ acres in south Texas with drilling opportunities for future growth and a development. Petrosaurus, Inc. is fully staffed to maintain its own operations, and owns a fleet of oil-field related equipment. We provide oil & gas related services such as well pulling, well servicing, well plugging, pump and packer building and refurbishing, and lease cleanup to the local industry. The company has its yard facilities in Von Ormy, Texas where it is strategically positioned to expand its services to south Texas. Petrosaurus, Inc. intends to become a leader in the oil and gas exploration and field service business by using innovation to adapt and overcome, increasing profits and productivity while balancing the risk of exploration with fee-related oil field services. In this manner, we offer financial stability, diversification and high reward to risk through exploration, production and oil field services. Petrosaurus, Inc. is very aware of the need to be good neighbors in our communities growing to a point where we can contribute back to these communities will be an ongoing process and a goal that we seek. WORKING WITH PETROSAURUS, INC.