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Open Joint Stock Company Polotsk Dairy Plant

Open Joint Stock Company Polotsk Dairy Plant

Thanks to the resource zone of the enterprise which includes three ecologically clean regions: Polotsk region, Miory region and Rossony region, the products of the plant have high quality indicators. Besides, the products manufactured under the trademarks «Molochnoe Razdolie» and «Polochanka» do not contain conservatives, colorants, artificial additives, genetically modified raw materials, therefore they are salubrious. According to «healthy» policy of the plant the products manufactured under the trademark «Liniya zdorovya» possess treatment-and-prophylactic qualities. Milk, kefir, sour cream are enriched with complexes of the prebiotics, that promote normalization of work of digestive system, and the calcium, which is an irreplaceable component of a healthy organism. The main activities of the enterprise are production and realization of whole-milk products, butter, mayonnaise, ice-cream, powdered milk. The plant has right to mark such products as milk, kefir, butter, sour cream, cream and cottage cheese as "Natural Product". The products under the trademark «Molochnoe Razdolie» correspond to all technological standards and constantly undergo laboratory control on every stage of manufacturing. In addition in 2016 the plant received the certificate of HAS 23000 (Halal Assurance System) from the LPPOM MUI organization for realization of skimmed milk powder to the Muslim countries. Besides, in 2014 the enterprise passed the second stage of the certified audit of the food safety management for conformity to the international requirements. Milk powder production is one of the most important activities of the enterprise. Modernized drying systems allow to get high quality products with minimum energy costs, and modern packing lines allow to get powdered milk, absolutely safe for consumers health. Thanks to accurate and harmonious work of technologists, there are a lot of new kinds of products that are produced at the plant. The combine acquired and established the modern hi-tech line on production of aerated products. By means of aeration process (that is beatings) dairy products become aerial, get light and gentle consistence. The products in PET-bottles make more than 35% of all whole-milk products of the enterprise. Only high-quality raw materials are used for production of milk and kefir in PET-bottles, and ultrapasteurization process allow to get long expiration date with preservation of all useful qualities of the products. Also it must be said about product, which is pride of the enterprise - glazed curd cake. Vanillin, cocoa, condensed milk...A lot of bright tastes that can't leave indifferent neither adults, nor children. OJSC «Polotsk Dairy Plant» can boast of wide geography of export. The products of the enterprise have already managed to surprise and please consumers of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Syria, Kazakhstan, Iran, Mongolia, Abkhazia and other neighboring countries. High quality of manufactured goods is acknowledged with numerous victories at international exhibitions and contests. Among them one can mention «Zolotoi Gust» diploma for constant quality, implementation of new technologies and wide range of manufactured goods. In 2014 at the twenty-first international exhibition «Prodekspo-2014» in Moscow a gold medal and diploma "For quality" were awarded kefir «Polochanka» 1,5% fat and butter "Molochnoe Razdolie" 75% fat. Curd desert «Orange-pineapple-cereals» and curd desert with dried grape won a bronze medal at the contest «The best product» as a part of «Prodekspo-2014». Besides, diploma of first degree «For high consumer properties» was awarded dried whole milk 26% fat. The most famous curd cake glazed with vanillin 26% fat and curd cake glazed «Orfeo and Euridice» with fruit jelly and vanilla flavor 18% fat became the winners at the contest "Gust-2014", carried out with support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus. The products under the trademark «Molochnoe Razdolie» are in great demand and popularity. For customers the trademark is a synonymous with natural products of high quality. The business reputation of the combine as reliable partner promotes active interaction with numerous domestic and foreign enterprises. Among its' business partners OJSC «Polotsk Dairy Plant» has good reputation as a trustful and reliable partner. We invite you to mutually beneficial and effective cooperation! About company

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About Open Joint Stock Company Polotsk Dairy Plant

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