Predictable Success
As you'll recall, getting to Predictable Success® often means building a 'dinosaur park' - a safe place for those folks who, either by age or temperament, can't adapt to the more process-driven, cross-functional working style that Predictable Success® requires, but who are (a) top operators, and (b) are co-operative enough to stay out of the way and allow you to progress with building Predictable Success® in the organization. Dinosaur candidates come from among the 'big dogs' that helped build the business through 'Fun' - they usually work in whatever your organization's core function is - sales, R&D, engineering - whatever function is at the heart of your business. They're hard-working, loyal and effective, but they make it clear that they need their freedom and autonomy, and don't want to get involved in this new 'fad' (as it seems to them) of Predictable Success®.