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Proverbial Homemaker

Proverbial Homemaker

Who is the Proverbial Homemaker? Well, it certainly isn’t me! At least, not if “Proverbial Homemaker� means the perfect wife, mom, and keeper of the home. In fact, the title of “Proverbial Homemaker� applied to me is very tongue-in-cheek. Trust me. However, I know that God has called me to be the very thing I am so underqualified to be. The truth is, I am inadequate for the task. I am insufficient for the job. And if we are being honest, so are you! …a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~ Proverbs 31:30 Yet our sufficiency is in Christ, not in our own efforts or abilities. When we stay anchored in Him throughout each day, especially in the storms, His power can and will transform our hearts, our marriages, and the lives of our children. THAT is the “Proverbial Homemaker.� It’s you and I when we are looking to God first, depending wholly upon Him, and living by His Spirit. Is it about us all trying to be the same Pinterest-pefect type of wife and mom, or of keeping a home in just the “right� way? No! Rather, it’s about submitting to God’s will for our homes and our families, allowing Him to work His amazing purposes through us! What an honor and a privilege.

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