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Pentucket Regional High School

Pentucket Regional High School

The Pentucket Regional School District is committed to quality education for all students from ages 3 through 22 years of age. The district works closely with the area Early Intervention Providers to insure a seamless transition from early intervention services and our Pentucket Regional Preschool Programs for students who are identified as educationally disabled. Preschool programs are located at each of the two elementary schools which include Sweetsir Elementary School and Page Elementary School. The preschool program for the Bagnall Elementary School is currently located at the Pentucket Middle School for reasons of limited space availability at the Bagnall School. The Pentucket Regional School District has preschool programs, kindergartens, and grade 1 - 6 programming in its school district's four elementary schools providing access to neighborhood general education programming. Each of our four elementary schools have full access to a broad range of special education and related services including speech pathology services, occupational therapy services, and physical therapy services. Special Educators and general educators are co-teaching, co-planning, and co-assessing in each of our elementary schools in order to facilitate inclusionary education experiences. Flexible grouping is used on an as needed basis in order to facilitate students with educational disabilities skills in the general education classroom and in "pull-out" areas. The Pentucket Middle School for grades 7 - 8 and Pentucket High School provide full access to the general education curriculum with a full range of special education services and related services. A student with special needs has a right to be educated in the least restrictive environment in order to access the general education curriculum. This means that, to the maximum extent appropriate, a student with special needs must be educated with children who do not have special needs. Special education services must be provided in the regular classroom environment when appropriate to the special needs child. Special classes, separate schooling or removal of a child from the regular education environment shall occur only when the nature or severity of the special needs are such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services can not be satisfactorily achieved. The parent, the general educator, the special educator, the building administrator, and other key individuals are active participants in all placement decisions. The adult student is also a member of the placement team. The Pentucket School District, when appropriate, place students who are experiencing difficulty in both educational day and residential placement settings. The Pentucket School District works cooperatively with the district court to insure that students who are court ordered to residential placements are afforded appropriate special education services.

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About Pentucket Regional High School





Primary/Secondary Education



West Newbury




United States

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