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Public Power Utilities

Public Power Utilities

PPC has provided the region's consumer-owned utilities an economic and effective way to address wholesale electric power issues. Working through PPC, consumer-owned utilities can stay informed and present a unified front on critical industry issues. For four decades, PPC has represented the views of public power and influenced major legislation, such as the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980 and the Energy Policy Act of 2005. PPC's principal task has been to represent and defend the views of public power before BPA. We have participated actively in BPA rate proceedings and contract negotiations in an effort to keep wholesale power rates low and the terms as favorable as possible. PPC also works extensively on transmission issues important to our members before BPA, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and other transmission organizations. PPC has responded to a diverse array of issues and continues to find ways to change with the times to carry out our mission on behalf of the Northwest's consumer-owned utilities. Formed in December 1966, PPC arose from the Rates and Economics Section of the Northwest Public Power Association. Since that time, PPC has enabled the region's consumer-owned utilities to deal with wholesale electric power issues in an economic and effective fashion. Through PPC, consumer-owned utilities can speak with one regional voice on the critical issues facing public power.

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About Public Power Utilities



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