Ramapo Catskill Library System
This service facilitates interlibrary loan between RCLS libraries as well as the libraries within the Mid-Hudson Library System. The delivery service also makes it possible for library users to return materials to any library within the System and have it delivered to the appropriate library. In 2019 RCLS delivered just over 3.2 million items. Supporting member libraries is the primary responsibility of the System and one important means of achieving this goal is through a broad range of consulting services offered by the RCLS management team. Another important service provided by RCLS is quarterly access to a preview collection of new and forth coming books for children and teens. Maintaining a professional collection (5,929 volumes) covering all aspects of librarianship is one way the System helps to keep member library trustees and staff up to date on library issues and trends. In addition, the System regularly publishes and distributes a quarterly trustee newsletter (Trustee FYI) and the RCLS Weekly Memo. The System's website (www.rcls.org) provides access to all RCLS publications, including a library directory, a statistical compilation with key information about its members, and a System annual report (RCLS Highlights). A wide range of information about RCLS and resources for member library trustees and staff, as well as, links to the web sites and on-line catalogs of all member libraries can be found on the RCLS web site. Mission