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Real Ispat & Power

Real Ispat & Power

Real Ispat & Power Ltd. is an integrated manufacturing firm and one of the fastest growing companies with a strong presence in the steel and power sector. The company's success story is backed by an extraordinary history. Under the leadership of three brothers, Mr. Rajesh Agrawal, Mr. Umesh Agrawal and Mr. Ramesh Agrawal, the growth of the company has always been ahead of the curve. A dream of creating a world-class company that pushes the boundaries of manufacturing technology through innovation, disruption and a unique management style was seeded a long time ago. RIPL entered the steel sector in the year 2000 and has slowly and steadily increased its contribution in the same ever since. The company has always believed in stabilizing and perfecting the existing set-up before moving on to the next step and it is this approach that has become our signature for success. RIPL caters to its clients through unparalleled quality, personalized service and development of a bond unmatched by any other. The multiple plants under the RIPL umbrella are all well versed with the latest technologies and are led by teams that cease to surprise in terms of commitment, dedication and creativity. These traits, which are valued quite highly and are a source for inspiration and motivation, are reflected in our products and services. RIPL's true identity is imbedded in its contribution towards society. The company is well known for its CSR activities that span through every aspect of human life and the world we live in. We take immense pleasure in knowing that our efforts are helping build a greener environment, a developed society and a much more sustainable future. "Real Parivar" is what we are, and we do take this title seriously. This is evident in the fact that we welcome direct involvement of our down the line employees into our biggest decisions. We believe in growing together as a family and reaching goals that are designed to grasp the ultimate limits and untouched corners of human capabilities, for we believe that true success resides in 'what ought to be'. We are well known for our perseverance, hard work and integrity and we believe that there are no alternatives for the aforementioned pre-requisites.

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About Real Ispat & Power

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