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Robur Investment Resources

Robur Investment Resources

Robur was originally founded as a means to meet the needs of two private investors who required access to quality financial data to assist them in their investment decisions. Pre-Robur, our analysis process consisted of garnering potential investment ideas from various sources, then digging up numbers from copious amounts of company reports, copying them into excel before finally being able to do the business analysis. We realised that the bulk of that process was taken up with assembling the financial data from company reports - as any of you who have had to sift through pages and pages of images of people on oil rigs, or of smiling children next to a power plant before finally being able to get to the numbers will understand. And so the idea of Robur was born. We decided that we should leverage the fact that we were both based in a region that produced talented, cost effective staff who we could employ to do the time consuming data collection - the idea being that this would free up more of our time to do the actual business analysis of the numbers. As our portfolios' grew, so did our appetite for increasing the scope of companies. This in turn led to an increase in our costs as overheads expanded. Our expansion coincided with the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2009 which resulted in many investors having their hands burnt by fund managers, and those individual investors who could not get hold of quality data and react fast enough. We sensed a shift in investor confidence as well as the technological advancement in online trading platforms. Online trading commissions have fallen drastically over the past 5 years - individual investors could now trade quickly and efficiently, yet the question still remained about what to invest in. So we decided to open Robur up to the public. We keep the subscription price low for a reason - we believe everyone no matter the size of their portfolio or level of income - has the right to unbiased, accurate and understandable data. The investment world is a minefield of information overload, which can confuse all, especially the un-initiated. Our decision was not purely altruistic of course (we are investors after all), your subscription will help us cover some of our costs and enable us to expand our scope of companies and constantly improve the service. We have put a lot of our own ideas and personalities into Robur, which you will see reflected in the way in which Pecuniosus functions.

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About Robur Investment Resources



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Financial Services








Tech Stack (3)


Platform And Storage

Finance And Accounting

Programming Languages And Frameworks