Looking for a job requires the management of 100s of events whilst also repeating the same inefficient time-consuming activities. Whilst technology for the recruiter has continuously evolved for the job seeker; there has been no such advancement with their process being much the same as it was 10, 20 or even 30 years ago. RoleCatcher creates a more level playing field for the job seeker. The product achieves this with functionality grouped into five pillars : [1] Data Management, [2] Task Automation, [3] Metrics, [4] Knowledge Management and [5] Information Directories Our users are anyone seeking a new job at the start of a career, between roles or in employment looking for a new job. They have been trying to manage the moving parts and follow up tasks in a spreadsheet, on post-it notes or even in their heads. Our product brings all data related to finding a job to one location where it can be classified, managed through lifecycles and linked together in any way that makes sense, for example, tagging the version of a CV/Resume used for an application. Our users are completing time-intensive tasks such as creating cover letters; our product automates these tasks for them. Our users' problems are universal, making the product as relevant in Mumbai as it is in Manchester.