Royal Angkor Resort
Royal Angkor Resort & Spa is proud to announce that we are providing educational sponsorship to young children here in Siem Reap since 2008. A fair percentage from our earnings proceeds to our selected foundation that's helping us continuously developing young Cambodians by sending them to school and make a difference in their life. Supporting the children's educational needs not only will sharpen their skills, but also helping them on providing them the opportunity to grow in life and become a responsible citizen of Cambodia. Should you wish to participate in our program, you are welcome to do so. Just send us letter of intent stating your intention of how you wanted to help (by monetary donation, by relief goods, by educational materials and more), as there are so many ways to reach them and share your blessings. At Royal Angkor Resort, we can help you to attain that by giving you correct options before your arrival and not to waste your time and still enjoy the whole country. To get more information and get involved on our humanistic effort, please email us and we will contact you shortly.