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Sadhana Yoga School

Sadhana Yoga School

We strive to create a safe and supportive environment where you are free to explore who you are at the core of your being. We want to offer you a space in a place where you have always dreamed of being, and to take time away from your life and connect with the dreams that rest in the deepest part of your heart waiting to be manifested into reality. We want to facilitate a connection with the teachings of yoga, and encourage and challenge you to move closer to knowing who you really are. What is Sadhana Yoga: Sadhana means "daily practice"-a daily practice of yoga that leads to self-actualization or spiritual attainment. We see yoga as a complete system. We use Patanjali's Eight-Fold Path (Ashtanga Yoga) as our guide in all that we teach and share for the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits that are accessible through daily practice. Our program approach incorporates many facets of yoga including asana (physical postures), meditation (stilling of the mind), pranayama (breathing practices), mantra (chanting of Sanskrit) as well as the study of yoga philosophy and the ancient texts of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. We support the integration of yoga as lifestyle and offer our students the opportunity to live and study in community with one another and their teachers while engaging in daily sadhana practice. The Sequences We Teach: At SYS we teach two foundational sequences: a Sadhana Hatha Flow and a Sadhana Vinyasa Flow. The Sadhana Hatha Flow is based on the classic Sivananda tradition; postures are held for a space of time after warming the body with Sun Salutations. By integrating breath and intention, each pose becomes a pose of meditation. The Sadhana Vinyasa Flow is based on the Ashtanga vinyasa tradition. Each posed is linked and connected with breath. In this sequence we move with fluidity, buoyancy, strength, and vigor. Within each sequence we teach the basic foundation of each posture and then offer modifications to make the pose either less or more challenging. We teach postural alignment and safe assisting adjustments to allow the body to open and channel energetic lines more effectively. What You Can Expect From Us: You can expect much more from our program than just a yoga teacher-training certificate, because yoga is much more than just bending and twisting one's body into a pose like a pretzel. Our programs are designed to foster transformation and growth within and around you. While certification in teaching is the intention of our curriculum, those only seeking a deeper relationship with their personal yoga practice will also find a place at SYS. At Sadhana Yoga School, everyone is wholeheartedly accepted and encouraged; you don't have to stand on your head become part of our community. SYS believes in the accessibility of yoga to every-body. We work to create a welcoming, safe and encouraging space where you will be encouraged to show up with an open heart, ready to engage yourself fully into the present moment. Don't wait, contact us today!

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About Sadhana Yoga School



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