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SAE LAO Project

SAE LAO Project

Here at the SAE LAO Project we were keen for some time to make use of cutting edge technology that will make the lives of people living in rural Laos easier and more sustainable. Since the very early days we were committed to setting up a working example of biogas technology that converts animal waste into gas that can be used for cooking with the non-gas waste used as organic fertilizer. This technology has been widely utilized in many other parts of the developing world as it provides a safe and inexpensive source of power and garden fertilizer. We were able to reach our goal of building a workable biogas plant thanks to the Laos Biogas Pilot Project, which was set up by the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) in conjunction with the Laos Department of Livestock and Fishery along with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Following the SNV's successful biogas program in Vietnam and several other developing countries they brought the project to Laos and by the end of 2011 had built biogas plants in over 2400 households benefiting over 10,000 people in rural Laos. Our biogas plant now provides most of the gas needed for our restaurant and daily cooking needs along with providing fertilizer for use on our organic vegetable garden. At the same time, four other Biogas Projects were undertaken in the village where we are based for use by families who were interested. If you want to find out more about the benefits of biogas and the construction methods we used please feel free to download our PDFs with detailed information:

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About SAE LAO Project

Estimated Revenue







Vientiane Province



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