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Salym Petroleum Development

Salym Petroleum Development

Salym Petroleum Development N.V. (SPD) has launched an electronic Journey Management System. The system is aimed at the further improvement of road safety at the Salym group of fields. The electronic system will replace paper document processing of journeys at the Salym oil field sites. This will result in reduced time for the approval of journey plans, improved control of the adherence to conditions stipulated in the plan, which will reduce road transportation risks involved in travelling off field roads. Within the implementation of this project SPD specialists created a unified database of vehicles and drivers engaged in work at the Salym group of fields and a mechanism for data integration between the existing systems. Now authorised staff of SPD and contractor organisations can use the detailed information on drivers working at the Salym project for planning and control of their activities. The information available includes the data on instructions received and defensive driving courses attended, information campaign data received, drivers' performance indicators, and changes history. "In our country and in the oil and gas industry in particular a large number of serious accidents happen on roads, and, unfortunately, SPD has its own bitter experience here", Dmitry Kostenko, Head of Labor, Industrial and Road Safety, pointed out. "Having analysed our performance in this sphere we have developed and are now implementing a long-term Road Safety improvement program and the electronic Journey Management System is a part of it. Putting the system into operation is a consistent step our company is making towards Goal Zero." At the moment the system is working with a limited number of companies, gradually SPD Road Safety Team specialists will add new users. The complete transition to the electronic system and stopping the use of paper journey plans will happen in late February 2016.

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