Selectron Industrial Company (SIC) was established in March of 1984. SIC is involved in providing components and systems of United States origin to Defense, Aerospace and Industrial end-users in South Korea, Japan, Turkey and others around the world. SIC offers the unique capability of providing a single logistics source for any program from inception to completion. With the aid of the computer system that is tailored to handle any Procurement Activities and Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Systems, SIC is ready to address any procurement requirements, small or large, for our customers. Response is a key word at SIC. Our dedicated teams of Purchasing Specialists have knowledge, resources and capabilities to meet your requirements quickly and efficiently. Quality is very important to us in every aspect of our operations. SIC is certified to ISO 9001:2008, on which our quality system is based on. SIC represents U.S. and International firms in various disciplines in both on exclusive and non exclusive basis. SIC assist our customers the export opportunities with our experiences in the International market.
1984Estimated Revenue
Commercial Equipment, Not Elsewhere ClassifiedIndustry Group
Professional and Commercial Equipment and SuppliesIndustry
United StatesSELECTRON
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