Goran Net ISP
Goran Net established in 2004 is a privately owned company, located in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq. The first company in Sulaymaniyah to present ADSL, our aim is innovation and customer satisfaction. We currently operate the largest wired broadband network in kurdistan, also provides the latest-state-of-the-art Internet technology to businesses, individuals, public institutions, and non-profitable organizations. We offer the highest quality Internet access available at the most affordable price possible. We are also a key supplier of high-bandwidth access for telecommunications services providers. As the market leader, we make sure our customers are many steps ahead for improving communications in their businesses and their homes. Creating and offering products and services that meet customer needs is a vital ingredient in our strategy. Our employees are constantly and periodically attend seminars, conferences and courses abroad to obtain the latest technologies related to our business. This has made our employees one of the best technically minded group of expertise in Kurdistan.