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Shaw Law Firm

Shaw Law Firm

The Shaw Law Firm is devoted specifically, and only to divorce, child custody, and related family law matters. We handle no other types of cases. Mr. Shaw has a J.D. cum laude and an M.B.A. from Duke. He is well trained in what he does. Unlike at most other firms, Mr. Shaw handles almost every piece of paper, is involved in almost every phone call, every exhibit, and all the minutia of each and every case he handles. There is no "outsourcing" of anything in his cases. This enables Mr. Shaw to have a better grasp over all aspects, big and small, over your case, and understand your case inside and out. Mr. Shaw handles his cases contemporaneously (or as some prefer, in real time). Meaning that as information comes in, Mr. Shaw pro-actively organizes and coordinates it into the case file. So that there is no information-overload, no analysis-paralysis, and in real time the case builds itself systematically. Mr. Shaw is able to do this because of his personal involvement in all aspects of the case and use of computer technology that allows this real time creation and prosecution of his cases. Cases are organized to the point that by the time of trial he has practically every aspect of the case down to the point that he can try it with the use of his iPad. Although he still might make good use of a white board, as the old ways still are sometimes the best ways, even with a beloved iPad in hand. Beyond this, Mr. Shaw is passionate about his work, about his clients, and about getting his clients the best results possible. Whether they are rich or poor, famous or not, he really does not care. He works with them all. Each case is individual and special because there are real lives at stake and Mr. Shaw takes this responsibility very seriously and he enjoys the challenge. Mr. Shaw can be blunt at times, but he will tell you what needs to be said and say it like it is. Not every case can be won as the client desires it to be won (we do live in a world with legal constraints after all), but every case can be maximized, and sometimes what even seems to be a case with little chance, can turn into something much more. Mr. Shaw is very good at what he does, he is passionate about it, and you will be in good hands. When Mr. Shaw is not practicing law, he is raising his boy-girl twins, enjoying Big Bang Theory, is unable to shake his roots with his love for the Vikings (almost 40 years since the last Super Bowl appearance), and he can be found frequenting tennis events and struggling mightily with his own tennis game. If you have a legal issue that you think might require Mr. Shaw's assistance, do not hesitate to Contact him or call 770-594-8309. All phone calls are returned, usually very promptly. The only exception is if Mr. Shaw is in trial. We do ask for your patience in such circumstances, but he surprisingly still checks his emails even then.

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