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Stamp Jackson & Procter

Stamp Jackson & Procter

Stamp Jackson & Procter was founded in the early 1850's at 5 Parliament Street, Kingston upon Hull, which remains its business address to this day. The firm's original success was based on acting for farmers and landed estates in the Holderness area, to the east and north east of Hull. Over many years the firm has built on that strong base to act for substantial numbers of farming families, some for many generations. This demonstrates the firm's commitment to long term legal support for our clients. Hull is a large industrial city, it is close to the coast and has a strong agricultural industry to the east, north and west. In addition, as a result of the area's good road and sea communications, there is a very strong horticultural industry and Stamp Jackson & Procter acts for horticultural growers and agricultural and horticultural marketing co-operatives, among a diverse client base. Our legal land and property expertise has been recognised by Natural England (English Nature) who have used Stamp Jackson & Procter's services to advise and act for them in their charitable work. The firm has a legal aid franchise for its highly regarded work in injury, accident and clinical negligence and is consistently recognised by the Legal Services Commission's external auditors as being among the best organised and managed in the region. The compensation division has grown to embrace industrial accidents, trips, falls and the more complex areas of clinical and life changing accident awards. The firm's reputation was enhanced by the award of the Personal Injury franchise by the then Legal Aid Board and the election of partners and solicitors from the firm to the Law Society's Personal Injury panel. When the Woolf reforms of UK Law introduced "fast track" case handling for Personal Injury claims in 1999 the case preparation skills developed through the quality assurance schemes and ADR techniques meant Stamp Jackson & Procter was already ahead of the game. In addition, the firm has accreditation as Investors in People and the award of ISO 9001 accreditation, the firm is a member of LawNet, a grouping of quality-assured firms throughout the country. The Partners are aware of the need to adopt increasingly sophisticated management practices and see the use of appropriate information technology as being central to the firm's continued success. In 2003 the Partners made major investments in technology, with a complete upgrade of the firm's operating software and hardware, a new practice management system and the introduction of on-line legal research and precedent banks. That has continued through 2004 and into 2005, with investment in powerful on-line property search tools and databases. This has led to major advances in both efficiency and the timely and effective delivery of products to our clients. The Partners remain committed to staying ahead of the game. The Partners undertake periodic fact-finding visits to the United States (most recently in 2006) to review the management of American legal practices, since they regard those practices as generally being some years ahead of their English counterparts. Stamp Jackson & Procter's history demonstrates the firm's long term commitment to excellence of service to clients. We use our expertise to provide you with the legal solutions you need. We concentrate on listening to your requirements and working together to provide you with long term legal security. Our services are designed to ensure you get the most from our knowledge in achieving your aims.

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About Stamp Jackson & Procter



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Legal Services





Kingston upon Hull


United Kingdom