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SLT Group

SLT Group

SLT offers an unparalleled full body workout. Our Pilates-based program is for all levels and uses the safe training technique, SPX/SYSTEM DYNAMIQUE, created by acclaimed fitness guru Sebastien Lagree. It strengthens, tightens and tones the entire body, integrating traditional lengthening and stretching techniques. I'M READY TO TAKE MY FIRST MEGAFORMER™ CLASS -- SHOULD I START WITH A PRIVATE LESSON? Unlike traditional Pilates, the Megaformer™ workout does not require you to start with private sessions -- all classes are designed to work in a group setting. Because clients have their own machine, you can modify each exercise to suit your current fitness level. Most new students do fine stepping into our group classes. However, if you have back pain, painful joints or another medical condition, it is recommended to take a private session first to assess your fitness level and limitations. If you are concerned, just let us know and we will be glad to take care of you. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I PRACTICE ON THE MEGAFORMER™? The workout is designed to work your body to muscle fatigue at which point you will need to rest. Depending on your own personal fitness level and the intensity of your workout, you will need more or less time to recover. We recommend three times a week to allow your body proper recovery time, but some students love the workout so much that they come in 4 - 5 times a week! The key is to listen to your body and to find a routine that works best for you. HOW DO I SCHEDULE SESSIONS? We have an easy to use and extremely secure software system to assist you in reserving a session. Check out our automated online booking system here. It is the easiest, fastest, and most accurate way to book classes. Simply create a user name and password, and use it to schedule, purchase and track your visit history. If you forgot your password or need more information, just send us an email. It is always best to reserve your session online to guarantee you have a Megaformer™ available. WHAT HAPPENS IF I MISS A CLASS? Due to limited number of spaces available in each session, SLT requires that you cancel a class at least 12 hours prior to the start of class. If a reservation is not cancelled in accordance with the cancellation policy, you will be charged for that class. Sorry, no exceptions. WILL MY SPOT BE GIVEN AWAY IF I AM LATE TO CLASS? Yes. We ask that you arrive on time in an effort to respect other clients. Often times, clients will drop in to see if someone doesn't show allowing them a space in the class. If you do not arrive within 5 minutes of the scheduled class time, your space may be given to someone who is waiting. Be sure to sign in to class so we know you were present! CAN I WAIT LIST FOR A SESSION THAT IS FULL? Definitely and we recommend doing so! Not only will you have better luck getting into a class, it also helps us know where we need to add classes. Get on the list by clicking"Sign Up Now!"when a class reads "10 Reserved, 0 Open" then check for an email from SLT that tells you when you get in and let us know if you CAN'T make the class anymore. You can early cancel within your account or send us an email. WHAT SHOULD I BRING (and not bring) TO CLASS? Clients may choose to go barefoot, wear socks with tread or wear studio shoes while taking a class. Bring a hand towel as you will most likely sweat! Wear comfortable clothes you can easily move in, much like you would for a yoga class or the gym. Jewelry is NOT a good idea. No cell phones during class, let yourself have 50 minutes that is all about you. No strong perfumes as some students are allergic. Your credit card is on file, so cash/credit/check is not necessary to bring unless you prefer not to make your payment online. Please understand that no classes can be confirmed if you're not prepaid.

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