Springer's Jewelers
Springer's Jewelers is dedicated to building trust and confidence with our clients. Springer's goal to provide you with the best service and information with regards to your jewelry. Springer's is a member of the prestigious American Gem Society, maintaining an Accredited Gem Laboratory - which consists of a gemological reference library and gemological testing equipment necessary to provide accurate identifications. Springer's has on staff a Certified Gemologist Appraiser, Certified Gemologists, and Registered Jewelers who each possess the necessary skill and experience to examine and appraise your items. The value assigned to your jewelry can vary depending on the function of the appraisal therefore it is important to determine the purpose of the appraisal with your appraiser. The most common reason for an appraisal is for insurance purposes. The value of your jewelry can fluctuate greatly over time. Your appraisal may be out-of date if it is over three years old as a result, your jewelry could be insured for less than its actual replacement value. Springer's recommends you have your jewelry appraised at least every five years. Other purposes for appraisal services are to determine the value or authenticity of your jewelry, for estate and tax purposes, divorce settlements, or donations.