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Stornoway is now the sole supplier of long-term road network maintenance services to DIER, an outcome Managing Director, Tim Gardner, is delighted with. "We've been delivering road network maintenance services to the state since 1998 and to secure all three regional contracts is not only a significant milestone for our company, but also a first for the State. "The fact that DIER have the confidence to award all three contracts to Stornoway is a credit to our Roads team who take great pride in delivering high levels of service every day. "We're now looking forward to not only extending our term in the North East, but also returning to South where we delivered maintenance services for 10 years to 2008. "As well as employing more local people, we'll also be looking to partner with local government to deliver services on our behalf." The new Infrastructure Minister, Rene Hidding, said "this is a significant investment in our State road network and is a critical part of Tasmania's infrastructure program." "The way road maintenance contracts were awarded had been changed to place greater emphasis on service delivery, rather than just low price. "We've consulted with the peak industry body, Civil Contractors Federation, to design the new process which now strongly focuses on service delivery and value for money." The new contracts are a five-year term (with a five year extension) option, changed from the previous three-year term. Mr Hidding said that industry consultation also identified longer contract terms as beneficial in allowing contractors to invest in skills development, process improvement and capital equipment. "These $92 million contracts are a significant investment in our road infrastructure, and a significant investment in building the Tasmanian economy and boosting local jobs," Mr Hidding said. "I'd like to congratulate Tasmanian company Stornoway on its successful tender and look forward to seeing the results in improving road maintenance across the State." Stornoway's team delivers a wide range of routine and emergency services including: inspecting and maintaining road pavements maintaining roadside vegetation preparing roads for resealing repairing safety fences and signs removing fallen trees from roads picking up litter ice and snow clearing and other emergency response.

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