Tallage is an agro-economic research and analysis bureau and consultancy founded in January 1993 specializing in European and world grain and oilseed markets. Our main areas of expertise are: • Grains, oilseeds and plant protein markets; • Agricultural by-products markets (distillers grains, starch, gluten, oils and oilmeals); • Animal feeds (cattle, pig and poultry feeds); • Biofuels markets (biodiesel and ethanol). Our activities include the publication of Stratégie grains (monthly report and online service - the reference for analysis of grain markets in Europe), targeted economic studies, additional analysis to complement Stratégie grains for clients, and specialized training for businesses around agricultural and commodity markets. Please follow this link to sign up for a free trial aimed at helping you discover the range of services offered by Stratégie grains. Tallage is not involved in any trading or grain production.