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At TalentPerch, our mission is to change the way the world views recruiting by leading by example and successfully partnering with our clients. Our team of highly skilled Talent Partners, Sourcers, and Strategists provide companies access to on-demand recruiting solutions for unprecedented challenges faced in todays talent market. We have contingency and embedded models that are agile and capable of scaling up and down. Our genius is the sexy tech industry. We have a large diverse network of software engineers at all levels that have been built over the last 14+ years. Our specialty has been working with VC-backed companies from Seed-Series D. We can build teams from scratch and we can help add on to already fast-moving and productive teams. We pay close attention to a long-lasting culture add and fit for candidates and clients. We believe that Talent Acquisition is a science positioned at the center of where people and business intersect. As technology tools and product development methodologies are evolving rapidly, attracting top talent and building highly capable teams is critical to every organization&s;s success. We offer a comprehensive value proposition by seamlessly integrating our hiring capabilities and effective training solutions with your unique culture and values. The TalentPerch model delivers strategic hiring results by providing access to our fully trained Talent Partners and the ability to offer that same best-in-class training to your current Talent team. Thriversity is our highly effective training platform that offers end-to-end learning and skills enhancement for Recruiters at all levels of experience, hiring managers, and interviewers. Our blended approach to providing immediate, embedded support and long-term impact training solutions offer uniquely tailored hiring solutions for companies at any stage of growth.

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About TalentPerch








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