Thoroughbred Breeders Australia
About Thoroughbred Breeders Australia: Thoroughbred Breeders Australia TBA is the parent company of the six State breeders' associations and has an associate membership base of more than 4,200 individual breeders and industry participants. TBA is a not-for-profit industry body established for the benefit of the Thoroughbred breeding industry. TBA is comprised of a Board of 14 directors constituted by two representative members from each of the 6 state breeders' associations and Aushorse Ltd. TBA takes a leadership role on issues of national and international importance such as quarantine, biosecurity, animal welfare, taxation, immigration and other government and regulatory issues. It represents the interests of breeders in dealing with the Stud Book, The Australian Racing Board and race clubs in addition to other stakeholder organizations.
About Thoroughbred Breeders Australia
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