The Juggernaut
We call it "smart journalism for the South Asian diaspora" though we welcome all readers who are curious about our stories. We are starting with one new story every weekday and have now published well over 200 features, covering everything from politics to culture to tech. Our goal is to celebrate our heritage but also challenge and unlearn what our history books and community have gotten wrong. We are thoughtful in everything we do - from choosing fonts created by South Asians to paying our writers and illustrators responsibly - and have been featured in TechCrunch, Axios, Forbes, CNBC, Harvard Business School blog, and Yale. We&s;re funded by Y Combinator and several other investors who are supportive of our mission and do not have editorial input. We&s;re also funded by our readers, who pay monthly, annual, or lifetime subscription fees. How we got here
About The Juggernaut
2018Estimated Revenue
11-50Funding / Mkt. Cap
Online MediaLocation
New YorkState
New YorkCountry
United StatesThe Juggernaut
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