The XL Connect is about two simple things; connecting property developers and real estate agents globally for the ultimate win-win- scenario. But we are more than just a "property dating" platform; we go beyond the ordinary to ensure a perfect match - personally introducing carefully selected developments from around the world to established and capable real estate partners or agencies in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North America and far beyond. As a consultancy we add value to our clients and conduct our own due diligence as well as providing compelling content for property developers, agencies and consumers to use and learn from. Ultimately our combined experiences of more than 70 years in the real estate industry within Southeast Asia is also yours to make use of, and make profitable decisions no matter what your goals are. Our team is passionate about property investment. We aspire to work with companies or individuals who share the same values of integrity, world-class customer service and genuine care for all involved in the process.