TICKETS.UA offers the service of online train ticket purchase - you can buy a train ticket from any place with access to the Internet. The train e-ticket gives right to board train on many routes without conventional paper ticket purchased at booking office. Thus, online purchase of train ticket is cheaper and more convenient as you don't need to go to the station and stand in the queue. However, possibility to board the train with the e-ticket is provided not for all trains. In that case, you may book and pay for the Kiev - Dnepropetrovsk train ticket online and exchange the e-ticket printout for conventional paper ticket at the booking office without standing in the queue. To buy a ticket or pay for the booking of the Kiev-Dnepropetrovsk train via the service, you need to enter date, starting point, and destination. The system will automatically find all possible travel options and will arrange them by price - from cheapest to most expensive. From the rail travel options on offer, you may select the most suitable one by its price, departure and arrival time. You may select type of carriage (3rd, 2nd, or 1st, or luxury class), seats and additional services (bedding, tea, coffee, and other). Ticket price for the Kiev-Dnepropetrovsk train will be displayed below.
2008Estimated Revenue
Consumer DiscretionaryIndustry Group
Consumer ServicesIndustry
Consumer ServicesSIC Code
61NAICs Code
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