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TidBITS, begun in 1990, is an online newsletter and Web site, devoted to the person behind the most personal of personal computers, the Macintosh. TidBITS relates events and products to real life uses and concerns. New TidBITS issues go out every Monday night; articles appear on the Web site throughout the week. About Accounts - Visit the About Account page for instructions on changing your email address, unsubscribing from our lists, and more. Contact Information - Find out who we are and how to reach us online. Finding TidBITS - We make TidBITS available in a variety of ways, including (but not limited to) a mailing list, a fully searchable article database, and static HTML and text files. Users of Palm OS devices and other handhelds can subscribe to a special PDA edition. Privacy - TidBITS Electronic Publishing takes online privacy very seriously. We actively protect the privacy of users of TidBITS Web sites and people who subscribe to TidBITS publications and mailing lists. Reprinting Articles - Please see our copyright terms. RSS Syndication - Since October of 2001 we've published an RSS file for TidBITS (click the RSS icon in the address bar in Safari or Firefox). Note that TidBITS members receive a full-text feed; for everyone else, the RSS feed contains article abstracts and links to our Web site. Story - Adam and Tonya Engst founded TidBITS in April of 1990, and it has been published weekly ever since, which makes it one of the longest-running Internet publications. We've done a lot of things since, including starting the first Internet advertising program in 1992, creating (with Northwest Nexus) the first flat-rate graphical Internet account in 1993, and much more. Read our annual anniversary articles for a sense of what we've done in that time. Translations - TidBITS is translated into Dutch and Japanese each week by dedicated groups of volunteer translators (if you'd like to help out, let Adam know!).

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