TransEra Products
HistoryFor over two decades the privately held TransEra Corporation has been a developer and manufacturer of hardware, software, and engineering products. Established in Provo, Utah in the mid-1970's, TransEra's cofounders, both engineers, focused on providing unique solutions to the scientific marketplace. TransEra has pioneered a diverse line of products over the years, beginning with a full line of Tektronix 4050 Workstation peripherals and add-on PC hardware and software. These popular peripherals merged software programming skills, hardware expertise, scientific instrumentation, and specialized cross-platform development. These talents became the key for a procession of products; the MDAS data acquisition system, TBASIC programming language, PC GPIB and data acquisition interface cards, programmable home automation lighting control system, PC processor upgrades as well as HTBasic on the HP Series 700 Workstation, the Sun SPARCstation, and the personal computer. Today, TransEra markets a diverse line of products. In addition to HTBasic, products are also being sold in residential and commercial building markets. Even after twenty years of growth, almost half of TransEra's employees are hardware or software engineers, a continuing commitment to the TransEra customer. Technology, innovation and dedication to creative research and development is the cornerstone to TransEra's longevity and success.