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Trinity-St. John Lutheran School

Trinity-St. John Lutheran School

We offer: Pre-Kindergarten 3 through 8th grade Over 200 years of combined teaching experience! Weekly chapel services Daily Bible Lessons Computer, P.E., Health, Music and Art Classes Updated Math, Language Arts and Social Studies Curriculum and Materials 8th Grade Algebra Sycamore Online Grade Book Softball, Baseball, Cross Country, Basketball, Volleyball and Track Teams Scholar Bowl Team Band We serve our community: Singing at local events and organizations Collecting and donating food, gifts and offerings to those in need Participating in service projects We are proud of our school: Serving families in Nashville, New Minden, Okawville, Ashley, Radom and more Generously supported by Trinity and St. John Lutheran Churches Spiritually led by three faithful pastors Teaching 2nd and 3rd generations PTL actively working to provide family and educational opportunities for our school Students excelling in academics and extracurricular activities at the highschool level We are proud of our alumni for being community leaders

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About Trinity-St. John Lutheran School








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