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The Training Room Online

The Training Room Online

We design and develop learning experiences. This way, students have the opportunities to actively practice what they are learning, while they are learning it! Our team of Instructional Designers analyse how people learn, and implement their knowledge towards creating engaging learning activities that are as close as possible to authentic life experiences. We work with subject matter experts to identify what their students need to learn. We then take that knowledge and develop learning outcomes and objectives ensuring they match the content. This can be revised and rewritten to better shape it for different learning needs. Content is mapped and structured with supporting activities to accentuate the learning according to the student path or journey. We create multi-media components to facilitate the learning. These will be in the form of visual aids for face to face learning; and videos, gaming and other multimedia for online courses. We also develop assessments to further engage the learner and create interactivity, thus increasing information retention. We even adapt instructional materials created for one specific format to another. In a nutshell, we make your problems, our solutions.

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About The Training Room Online



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E Learning



Cape Town


Western Cape


South Africa

Tech Stack (103)


Programming Languages And Frameworks

Content Management System

Web Hosting Providers

Web Servers

Syndication Techniques