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The University of Osijek

The University of Osijek

The University of Osijek is an educational institution that connects scientific research, artistic creation, teaching and studying thus developing science, profession and art, prepares students for professional work based on scientific knowledge and methods, as well as artistic value, educates young researchers, participates in realization of students' social interests and promotes international, particularly European cooperation in higher education, in scientific and artistic activities. The purpose of the University is to involve students in scientific research activities and to develop the scientific spirit in order to develop students' critical attitude and openness towards new knowledge and simultaneously develop their personality and team work ability, to accept of moral and ethical principles as a prerequisite, and to contribute to development of a democratic society and become involved in the European knowledge community. In accordance with the above definition and mission of the University, it is evident that higher education is of utmost importance for the social community, because higher education contributes to regional and national development of the society. University fulfills its role through the academic education at its faculties, university departments and the Academy of Arts, within university and professional studies which primary activity is teaching and transfer of knowledge to new generations, in accordance with legal and statutory provisions.

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About The University of Osijek











