United Air Temp
Since 1931, United Air Temp has been a leader in home comfort services, providing air conditioning and heating installation, repair and maintenance. Recognizing that problems with plumbing fixtures and their related infrastructure are frequent headaches for our customers, UAT has expanded its services to include plumbing installation and repair. As in air conditioning and heating, most plumbing problems that occur in a home can be avoided through a comprehensive maintenance and service program. Our technicians check faucets for proper operation, dye test water closets (toilets), check the operation of all drains inside the home, visually inspect water lines and drain piping. How it works: A simple phone call to one of our branches sets the process in motion. After your home passes our preliminary inspection, all plumbing products are covered under the terms of the agreement. Our trained technicians respond to your request for regular service within a scheduled 2-hour window. Our emergency services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.