UpBuild was founded in Portland, Oregon in 2015 and yet we've never considered ourselves a Portland SEO and optimization agency. We're an Internet-based company in every sense of the word. We're a fully-distributed remote company, meaning that everyone here works from wherever they work best - whether that's a home office, a rotation of coffee shops, a co-working space, the beach, or their kitchen. Most of the time it's some combination of two or more of these. At UpBuild, our mission is to bring together the best technical marketers in the world regardless of where they live. We have team members in every US time zone and there may soon come a day when we get to say we have people in every time zone in the world (well, we probably won't hire on Lord Howe Island at UTC+10:30 but you never know). Our Office Is the Internet. Our team is located on the Internet. All our meetings are virtual. We can work from any location because our location is irrelevant. We're digital natives in the true sense of the word. This virtual conference room is the closest thing we have to an office. When you sign up for the UpBuild Help desk, you get a free session with a senior strategist from the UpBuild team.