The Ursuline School
The Ursuline School understands these needs and is a clear leader in innovative education. In the spirit of St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursuline order, we educate the whole person. The Ursulines have been, and continue to be, leaders in the education of girls. Project based learning has been introduced. Students collaborate in jigsaw groups and via Google Docs. Our rigorous curriculum is enhanced by the thoughtful use of technology. We invite you to read our technology vision, at left. We understand that after teachers receive training, they benefit from assistance in bringing new information and teaching methods into their classrooms. Our Director of Technology Integration, Edwinna Lucyk, mentors teachers in this process. She empowers teachers to engage students and improve learning through technology. Mrs. Lucyk's biography is presented at left. "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but the ones who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."