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Vendor Price Book

Vendor Price Book

VendorPriceBook is a website where Vendors can upload their pricing and authorized Retailers can view this pricing. In addition, promotions, packing info, inventory and pictures can be uploaded and viewed. Why was VendorPriceBook created? The concept of VendorPriceBook was created by a retail store owner. Retailers are going through great lengths to find product pricing so they can give accurate quotes to their clients. Showrooms can have over one hundred Vendor PriceBooks. It's challenging and time consuming to search through hundreds of pages and multiple binders of pricing. Vendors are frequently updating their pricing, promotions and other information. This often creates confusion, inaccuracy, and misplacement on the Retailer's end. From a Retailer's perspective, more time should be spent on selling products than looking up pricing. Who can register with VendorPriceBook? You must be either a Vendor (wholesaler; distributor; selling product to retail showrooms) or Retailer (retail store selling products to consumers). Is VendorPriceBook open to the public? No, it is not open to the public. VendorPriceBook is a Business to Business website. Can my competitors see my PriceBooks? No. Each companies' PriceBooks are confidential. Your PriceBooks are only visible to Retailers whom you have given access to. Is my Retailers list visible to others since it's on the Internet? No. Your account is private and your Retailers list is only visible to you. I am a Vendor but why should I register with VendorPriceBook? VendorPriceBook allows you to provide up-to-date pricing and information to your Retailers. VendorPriceBook is a great tool to provide for your Retailers who are essentially your sales force. I am already mailing, faxing and emailing up-to-date pricing to my Retailers and I also have my pricing on my company website. How is it any different? This is exactly what most Vendors are doing today. However, it basically comes down to maximizing your company's potential by providing your sales force (Retailers) with accurate and easy to use tools to sell your product. Retailers are spending too much time searching through binders that include over one hundred Vendors like you that all have their pricing in different formats. Retailers are also spending too much time printing your price list, replacing existing pages with the new updates that are sent, calling for packing info and so on. VendorPriceBook allows your Retailers to have access to your up-to-date PriceBooks, giving them more time to spend with their clients.

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