Veriport Information Technologies
Veriport Information Technologies was established in 2006 as a company dedicated to provide IT solutions. Our operations today include Business Application Management, Business Intelligence Services and Sourcing. We have been working with leading national and multi-national companies in Turkey, Middle East and Africa from numerous sectors including telecommunications, retail, and finance. Our team consists of distinguished engineers, software developers, analysts, and consultants with related academic degrees and years of proven expertise in their fields. Veriport IT operates under the full name of Veriport Biliþim ve Danýþmanlýk Limited Þirketi. As an officially accredited R&D company, our head office is located on YTU Teknopark, Istanbul. Veriport, being a producer and exporter of software in Turkey, is a member of YASAD (Software Industrialists Association). Our company is among the top 500 ICT companies (and among the top 100 ICT companies in Turkish Producers category) according to InterproMedya's "Top 500 ICT Companies in Turkey, 2013" study.