Warren ISD
The WISD Department of Athletics provides a program of competitive athletics for students in Grades 7-12. The department's offerings include 5 sports for boys and 5 sports for girls, and it was estimated in the 2002-2003 school year that more than 236 student athletes participated in the program. All employees are responsible for earning the respect required for WISD to become the PREMIER PK-12 district of choice in this area. The district has made significant progress in implementing recommendations made to improve its management and instructional practices. These cost cutting recommendations will save the district over $1.225 million in its $7.5 million budget over a five-year period. This represents a savings attained through improved efficiency that can be redirected into instruction or building improvements. Currently, WISD invests 57 percent of its general operating budget on instruction, and another 5 percent is spent on pupil services. In effect, Warren Independent School District has become a leader in helping all students reach the high scholastic performance standards that broaden all future desired opportunities. Because district leadership is committed to continuous progress and improvement, the district, in collaboration with community stakeholders, will accomplish the following five goals: Instructional Management Improve student achievement through improved instruction, monitor attendance, diagnose student needs at the early grades, provide teachers the support needed to design lesson activities that demand higher order thinking skills, develop innovative instructional programs, and integrate technology into the classroom. Warren ISD will provide an exemplary education for all students at all grade levels.