Wharton County Junior College
The WCJC Nuclear Power Technology program is also supported by the Nuclear Power Institute (NPI), headquartered at Texas A&M University. NPI brings together K-16 educational institutions with the nuclear power industry; state and local organizations; and state, federal, and international agencies to meet the challenge of providing the trained workforce needed to operate new and existing reactors in Texas. Nationwide, the nuclear power industry predicts significant growth as baby boomers retire and plants expand. The WCJC program was one of the first in the country to receive support from NPI. A large percentage of nuclear power technicians for the Matagorda County power generation industry have successfully completed WCJC's two-year Associate of Applied Science in Nuclear Power Technology. Some hold a degree in process technology and have chosen to enhance their degree and broaden their employment with a nuclear certificate that consists of six nuclear power technology classes.