We are a creative web design and development company with a current focus on Ruby based web development. The day-to-day tools we use include Middleman, Sinatra and Ruby on Rails, amongst others. We have also developed our own Rails Engines based CMS which commonly forms the basis of our work - but we also use a wide range of other open source tools and toolkits. We have been in business for 12 years and our clients include a broad range of businesses and organisations, from small independent sole traders to recognised household brands. Currently we are focussing our efforts on working with design and architecture led businesses who value bespoke digital design, at both frontend and backend. As well as client work we also maintain and develop a suite of products and services to support our sister company, Restaurant & Bar Design Ltd. Restaurant & Bar Design is a hub that connects the UK's and world's top hospitality designers and operators. The Restaurant & Bar Design Awards is recognised as the world's top industry focussed awards programme and we recently launched the Restaurant & Bar Design Directory and plan to launch a Restaurant & Bar Product Design Awards in January 2016.