We provide Free Consultations in Galway, so we can discuss the type of website design that you require. After the meeting, we will know if you require a Responsive Web Design, eCommerce website, Content Management System or maybe a complete custom application. Once we have a good understanding of your website requirements, we will send you a quotation for you to renew. The next step is where we create a website mock-up design based on your requirements. This is presented and explained to you. After you review the diagrams, we make the necessary changes and the process is repeated until you have design that you want. Next, we build your website design and present it to you for review in our Galway office. Once the review and training period is complete, your website is made active and the Search Engine Optimisation or SEO process begin. With your help, we identify the keywords that customer are most likely to use to find your business. Next is the website submission to the major search engines and then linking to all your social media accounts. If you are interested in getting a new website or replacing your existing site, why not give us a call on 091 630838 and we can setup a meeting in our Galway office or send us an email.