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Web Design Sun

Web Design Sun

Founded in 2012,Web Design Sun has been developing exceptional websites for several years now. Our design philosophy is a blend of coding prowess and artistry, the pooling of every resource we have at hand to breathe life into client ideas. To this end, our professional team of web programmers is dedicated to applying the latest web tools, industry standard coding, and technical know-how to translate an initial notion into a dynamic website. Having boasted of our technical prowess, we're no dry manufacturers of one-dimensional web design concepts. Our experienced managers coordinate team talent to tie ideas and technical aspects together with artistic flare to ensure the final website is absolutely compelling in its execution. The dabbler in web design can build a website and have it online by the end of the day, but the professional team, we here at Web Design Sun, goes beyond this basic workflow by providing a comprehensive list of services that set a client's site apart from the ordinary web spaces proliferating the internet. We differentiate your idea from the amateurs, the hobbyists and the multitude of internet marketers out there by gifting your web design solution with professional attributes that generate repeat visits and the action you desire, whether that's a click through to the next page or the completion of an order for an advertised product. Implementing a strategy that fulfills the above web design workflow is the job we've come together to solve, but our agency would sink into a sea of competitors without an edge. That dominance is taken from a foundation of technical standards, the knowledge to code with an HTML framework and CSS styling, to add graphical accents and multimedia elements that funnel attention toward a specific area of the web page. Alternatively, we can emphasize white space and create an intuitive and static web design format that's clean and minimal. The decision is ultimately in the hands of the client, and it's through communications between the customer and our expert managers that these long-term strategies can be decided upon. Of course, as we've already stated, any dabbler of web design development can build a functional web presence. Web Design Sun engages in a wealth of services that distinguish our agency from the average coder. We create a full-service plan, taking the idea from pen and paper to hosted website. We also nurture your brand identity, meaning our project leader will emphasize and develop corporate identities with hierarchical web design concepts, the application of graphic design principles that draw the eye with visual finesse and hand-drawn skill. These graphical front-end choices are layered atop interactive Ajax applications to bring static content to life. MySQL and PHP connection scripts are integrated into our workflow to lend the design dynamic properties that direct traffic deeper and deeper into the pages of the web site. In short, boring concept takes on an added dimension, and this is the skill set we've developed here, the abilities that differentiate our projects from those created by hobbyists.

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