This is the part where we are supposed to tell you about how WebHaus is a top-rated digital creative agency who specialises in web applications and software development. The reality is we don't subscribe to the mantra of fulfilling typical expectations, you should expect anything but typical. Web and marketing experts spend so much time trying to figure out what consumers want, what would happen if you flipped this around and a bunch of consumers started a web agency and then employed designers and developers to reverse engineer what they know already works. That's what we achieved @ WebHaus. We are a bunch of passionate consumers with experience in industries from Retail to Investment, Advertising and Mining. We are dedicated in creating a new market image for companies while developing methods to make them more popular and known online. Project management and execution is a trainable skill, clearing your mind of preconceived ideas about marketing and developing unbiased strategies for brand absorption is not. As a business your only concern should be that your consumers online experience is a memorable symphony of convenience and attraction.