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WebSatMedia is a global company that specializes in providing satellite, broadcast, fixed and wireless telecommunication infrastructure and software solutions and Internet services for: Internet Service Providers (ISP) to connect to the Internet backbone Telecommunication carriers to carry VoIP telephony Corporations that need voice, data, Internet and video communications between its head office and remote branch offices in the region Hotels at remote locations that need broadband Internet services Educational institutions that need to deliver on-line interactive learning and programmes to remote learning centres Media stations that need to broadcast video content Mobile operators to connect BTS to MSC Defence organization who require mobile tactical communications between ground forces, tactical and strategic HQs Founded in 2000, WebSatMedia is headquartered in Singapore with global offices in China, Indonesia, Timor Leste and Ecuador. It operates one of the largest satellite Teleports in Singapore and Ecuador via multiple satellite antennae. It has a fully redundant satellite hub and diversified network connections to PCCW, France Telecom, China Unicom, Telconet and CNT. Its customers are being served by a team of trained and experienced engineers working 24x7. WebSatMedia have provided services to large telecom companies; Internet Service Providers; VoIP Service Providers and large multinational companies with global offices in more than 50 countries. WebSatMedia services include SCPC, MCPC, DVB, iDirect; WiFi Hotspots and Wireless Mesh solutions. At WebSatMedia, we are laying the foundation for a totally new paradigm for system solutions. The changes in technology, combined with the enormous growth in IP technology in satellite, broadcast, wireless and data network have resulted in new challenges and new opportunities ahead. We at WebSatMedia will do our best to provide the latest state-of-the-art, highly reliable and cost-effective solutions for our customers and partners in the years ahead with customer focused service to improve customer satisfaction levels.

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