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XCOM Media

XCOM Media

XCOM provides extensive services for custom campaign solutions with vast experience managing small, medium and large scale custom campaigns and systems development programs for leading Australian and International brands. Our leading edge customised development services can deliver web based applications and hosted solutions to automate online marketing and customer servicing. Some of the most popular solutions and systems we have built and offer clients include: One to one relationship management, viral engines, messaging, service and communication automation systems including email and sms Image hosting tools - manage high volume or bandwidth critical image and file hosting support with image resize and optimise features in-built Automatically scalable hosting and data management services, including data and systems integration services Automated response tools - For the management of large volumes of response messages that e-marketing campaigns can generate, this tool provides an automated management of the inbound message and the outbound response E-Draw - Electronic drawing of competitions, fully compliant and approved by all state gaming authorities XCOM is able to provide the know-how, technologies and tools necessary to create meaningful campaigns and digital communications that push through clutter and deliver exceptional results. We create, develop and showcase the latest trends in web development and digital innovation using open source development and PHP coding. Our development services include: HTML coding for websites and email templates Viral engine and competition process and logic management Database integration and management Custom built business communication and management tools, one to one marketing and transactional messaging applications Subscription Forms design, development and database integration and management Producing entire microsites inclusive of Multimedia, Video, Audio and Social media functions Custom built business management tools, one to one marketing and transactional messaging applications Electronic competition drawing tools Planning and managing systems architecture, hosting, security and website reporting and management tools XCOM helps brands to develop and customise applications that work with business processes, making staff more effective and contribution to improving operational efficiency.

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About XCOM Media



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Marketing And Advertising








Tech Stack (35)
