the short version is that yeply is a bike shop on wheels, but in reality, it is much more than that. our motto is that we keep you riding, and so, we're constantly looking for new ways to get involved in sustainable mobility projects, building urban ecosystems one healthy bike at a time. we consider ourselves a friendly and helpful neighbour, the kind that will conveniently lend you a hand when you most need it. on the ground, we offer a revolutionary, same-day bike maintenance service that takes away the pain and hassle of taking your bike to a shop and then waiting for who-knows-how-long to get it back. we service neighbourhoods in convenient shifts, so that you can simply drop off your bike with us, and pick it up a few hours later. on top of this, our own myyeply app keeps your service records safe, and notifies you when your next service is due. it doesn’t get easier than this. to our business partners, we offer bike maintenance days for the office. simply book us for a day, an
About Yeply
11-50Funding / Mkt. Cap
Southern FinlandCountry
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