Yile Technology 弈樂科技
Yile Technology was founded in Taiwan in 2018, is specialized in mobile game development. Our core values are innovation and customer-focus which drive us to focus and invest in research and development of high quality mobile games to meet various player's preferences in the market. Through our mobile games, we not only bring superior gaming experiences to the players but also show our beliefs and passion in the gaming industry.In YiLe Technology, people are our most important assets. We always support and encourage our people in the development of competencies, positive mindset and courage in innovation. In addition, we also organize events such as sports and traveling for team building and good work-life balance. YiLe Technology is welcoming all talents to join us as one team with the same passion and with the same vision to be a leading mobile game provider in Taiwan and globally.▸YILE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YileTechnology ▸Game information, check this! www.online808.com▸Game download on Google Play: https://pse.is/3bb9vd 弈樂科技成立於2018年,秉持著「創新、用心」的經營理念,致力於研發及推行最優質的手機遊戲。透過我們的產品,不僅能帶給玩家最極致最享受的遊戲體驗,更重要的是傳遞弈樂灌注於遊戲的夢想及熱情。弈樂篤信並積極實踐公司核心價值,以「人」為本的企業文化,除了培養團隊正向積極、勇於挑戰的態度,更鼓勵夥伴們參加各項運動,鍛鍊健康的人格與體魄,齊心共同將產品推向全球,成為國際知名的遊戲研發營運公司,以實現公司「立足台灣,放眼世界」願景。▸弈樂臉書粉絲團 : https: //www.facebook.com/YileTechnology ▸「包你發娛樂城」官網: www.online808.com▸遊戲下載: https://pse.is/3bb9vd
About Yile Technology 弈樂科技
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