HEADS UPKoala raises $15M Series A to make every seller a GTM engineer

How Enrichment Works

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In this lesson, we’re diving into how enrichment works on Koala to reveal accounts, prospects and their specific actions

Koala’s secret sauce is our ability to help you identify the specific prospects visiting your site using our first-party ID graph—a goldmine for sellers! Explore our recent Under the Hood series from our Co-Founder, Tido Carriero, to go into exactly how it works and what it unlocks for you as a seller:

Now that you understand the basics of how the Koala platform provides you with account and prospect level insights, we’re going to dive into the warm outbound mindset and how you can shift your thinking from a seller to an advocate to supercharge your outreach effectiveness!

Explore all lessons:

🔁 How Enrichment Works

🧠 Warm Outbound Mindset

🔍 Advanced Account Research

🚨 Signal Best Practices

📧 Value-Add Outreach

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