Guides for Developers
GDPR Endpoint
A developer’s guide for GDPR deletion via API
Requesting Deletion
Before starting with code, you’ll need a secret API key to make the request, which you can create in Settings -> API Keys:
Request instructions:
- The request must be sent via POST
- The request is authorized using our private API keys, and they must include an Authorization header in the following pattern:
Authorization: Bearer sk_21231kjlk123hj123kh
- The limit of emails per request is 50. If the list has more than 50, we’re just going to grab the first 50 and ignore the rest.
- Sample request body:
When a deletion request is sent, it will respond with the deletion request id, like this:
Checking Deletion Status
You can use your ID from the section above to check the deletion process by making a GET request, using the same Authorization header above. Here is a sample GET request:
As soon the process its done they will be able to consult the deletion receipt, the response should look like this